ENART Devices

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  ENART 911
ENART Devices
Scope of usage
Results with using ENART
ENART 900 series devices
Saving Program
ENART Therapy
ENART treatment
      Scenar, Prologue, Enart – for practitioners and for home use
  From Healing Technology to Devices and Therapy

ENART Technology
= a high technical level + deep knowledge of alternative medicine
                                         →  excludes any harmful effects and consequences.

ENART Devices
= the presence of biofeedback does not cause an addicting effect in an organism
                            →  promotes fast recovery and result of therapy remains stable over time.

ENART Therapy
= eliminates not only symptoms, but also causes, cures not only the disease, but the entire body
                                         →  improves health, quality of life, satisfaction with treatment.*

* ENART therapy is successfully applied in cases when there is an allergy to medication, contraindications for surgical intervention and even when the disease is recognized as incurable.

ENART association of scientific thought and wisdom of nature

What is ENART?

ENART is a space-age technology you can use already today.

These are simple yet powerful therapeutic devices ideal for pain relief, first aid and general medical care.
They promise to be the greatest revolution in healthcare since the ancients discovered the meridian system.ENART - ånergo-neuro-adaptive-receptor therapy.

nergo - this technology is based on energy exchange between the human body and device. 
euro - neurons take part in energy exchange.
Adaptive - adaptation of the body to the specific environmental conditions.
eceptor - the device acts through skin receptors which inform the CNS on specific environmental conditions.
Therapy - medical treatment.

What are the advantages of the ENART?

The unprecedented functional capabilities:

- accurate location of the site to be treated with the help of the audible indication system, which enables even the novice user without any medical education to use the device,
- only the ENART 900 series will allow you the opportunity to effectively treat your body as well as your family and friends (including pets) from the very first day of using the device without the necessity to attend any special training courses!
- adjustable (customizable) parameter of the First-Phase Pulse Amplitude,
- adjustment of sensitivity of the device in accordance with each particular case,
- unique modes of treatment alongside with the “classic” modes,
- opportunity to create your ow
n set of treatment mode settings and save them in the memory of the device! (up to 20 programs). 

So it would not be exaggeration to say that ENART devices mark a new stage in the evolution of biofeedback devices.

Potential ENART users could come from the ranks of both skilled healthcare professionals and those who are engaged in healthcare in addition to their main profession.

We are hopeful that this technology will enter your life becoming your very own home doctor - capable of helping you solve different medical problems that at times may seem unsolvable.

How can ENART help me?

Any ENART procedure application takes only minutes, but it makes you forget about taking medication or going to the doctor, because you start feeling better right away.

Use it if you're not feeling well, have a headache, have a fever or stomach and intestinal troubles, suffer from constipation, or feel stressed. ENART relieves your symptoms in short order. In case of more serious troubles such as heart attack, asthmatic or epileptic attacks, wounds, fractures, sunstroke, or toothache, ENART provides first aid before you can get to the doctor.

Pain anywhere in the body, and cold symptoms in any stage, disappear after a few times using the ENART.

ENART can be used on people of any age.
In fact, because children are more responsive than adults, you will see results even faster using ENART with them.

As you can see, ENART can save you time and money. You can use it for a variety of health challenges, maintaining your family's health without constant visits to the doctor.


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