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Scenar treatment

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Scenar therapy
Scenar treatment
Scenar Sport
      Scenar, Prologue, Enart – for practitioners and for home use

Scenar treatment for various diseases and traumas

1) Scenar Treatment for Patients with Complex Disorders
2) Application of Scenar Technology in Sport Medicine
3) Two Year Catamnesis of Scenar Treatment
4) Scenar Treatment for Secondary Immunodeficiencies
5) Scenar Treatment for Skin Conditions
6) Trigeminal Neuralgia Treated with Scenar Treatment and Homeopathy
7) Scenar Treatment in a Clinical Setting
8) Scenar and Energiser Healing Blanket Therapy in the Medical Center "Impulse-Correct"
9) Scenar Treatment for Neurogenic Disfunction of Bladder with Enuresis (Bedwetting) in Children
10) Scenar for Massage
11) Scenar Treatment for Children and Adults with Various Conditions
12) Effects of Scenar Applications
13) Scenar Use by a Factory Therapist
14) Scenar Treatment of Complex Locomotor Disorders
15) Scenar Used for Neurosensory Hearing Loss
16) Scenar Treatment of Mentally Retarded Children
17) Single Application of Scenar Therapy
18) Scenar-035 Application
19) Scenar Therapy in the Treatment of the Infectious Mononucleosis
20) Some Cases from the Practice
21) New Approaches to the Prevention and Treatment of the Erosive and Ulcerative Lesions of the Stomach and Duodenum in Patients with Serious Wounds and Traumas
22) Scenar in the Oncologic Practice
23) Combination of Hirudotherapy and Scenar Therapy in the Treatment of Different Diseases
24) The Experience of Scenar Family Devices Application in the Practice of Therapist and Physiatrist
25) Treatment of Thyroid Gland
26) The Results of Scenar-035-3 Device Application while Treating Crew Members of the Motor Vessel “John F”
27) The Results of Work with Scenar for a year and a half
28) Scenar Device Application in Obstetrics
29) Lipid Metabolism Correction with the Combined Application of Scenar Device and  “Form” Product Based on Fucus 
30) Clinic in Your Pocket
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Scenar – as A Home Doctor




Scenar Treatment for Patients with Complex Disorders

Several groups of patients with complex disorders were studied by the author
. The first group included patients with various respiratory disorders. There were 24 patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis, 6 patients with acute pneumonia, and 6 patients with bronchial asthma. The effect of Scenar therapy was identical to intravenous infusions of broncholytin and physio procedures. Taking into consideration the fact that Scenar is easy to use and has no contraindications, Scenar is preferable to for those patients who do not respond well to conventional treatments.

  The second group included patients with digestive disorders, among them 14 patients with chronic gastritis and duodenitis and 5 patients with chronic hepatitis. Scenar almost instantly helped relieve or eliminate painful symptoms and achieve stable and persistent remission.
The third group included patients with functional disorders including neurocirculatory dystonia, climacteric neurosis, and neuro-vascular paroxysms. Such conditions do not respond well to medication, and it is hard to choose proper medication in any case. With Scenar treatment, patients experienced general improvement, reduced number of complaints, and normalization of nervous system disturbances by the fourth session. Patients with neuro-vascular symptoms are some of the most willing patients, since Scenar provides so much relief.

     Tarasova E. N.

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Application of Scenar Technology in Sport Medicine

A number of cases of Scenar application during marathons and in international competition are described. The author is positive that Scenar and Scenar technology have big future in athletics, making more possible many world records in different sports.
     Moiseev S. V.

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Two Year Catamnesis of Scenar Treatment

This work follows the extended results of treatment in patients receiving Scenar therapy according to standard methods.
Observations over a period of two years of patients with different etiology, location, acuteness, stage and length of diseases of different organs and systems allowed the conclusion that Scenar therapy, in the majority of cases, not only improves the patient's condition but very often brings complete curing of disease. The author notices special features and uniqueness of Scenar therapy.
     Subbotina G. V.

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Scenar Treatment for Secondary Immunodeficiencies

The authors studied the influence of Scenar therapy (Scenar-035-1) on secondary functional immunodeficiency caused by lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and various skin pathologies. The level of energy applied and the selection of treatment zones corresponded to the condition of the immune system. The initial threshold probing was typically painful, followed by adjustment to a comfortable sensation. Treatment zones were selected according to each individual medical problem, according to recommendations in the device instructions.
In other words, Scenar therapy was given according to the results of clinical and biochemical blood analyses and examination of the immune system. Scenar therapy resulted in normalization of the M and G immunoglobulins, increase in T-active lymphocytes, and normalization of the immune system with increase in the number of B- lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. So, according to these results, Scenar-035-1 can be recommended to correct the immune system for the secondary functional immunodeficiencies.
      Eremenko N. A., Shabanov L. F.

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Scenar Treatment for Skin Conditions

The authors discuss Scenar therapy for chronic skin conditions. These conditions are characterized by their long duration, intensity of symptoms, and lack of response to conventional treatment. After treatment with the Scenar, such patients usually show clear-cut improvements in their conditions.
Scenar-035-3 is portable, has a second rate of protection and can be used in at the hospital as well as at home. The most powerful benefit, however is that treatment pulses are physiological and automatically set by "biological feedback". Patients showed significant improvement after a year of Scenar application.
     Petrova I. I., Kirianova V. V., Nikiforov B. M.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia Treated with Scenar Treatment and Homeopathy

Patients with trigeminal neuralgia were treated by Scenar in combination with homoeopathy. Both methods are said to have no healing contraindications and work to activate the body's own healing energies.
The combination of treatments was effective for patients with trigeminal neuralgia and recommended for a wide variety of other conditions.
     Tretyakov A. G.

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Scenar Treatment in a Clinical Setting

Scenars (Scenar DS-532, Scenar 035-1) and therapeutic blankets were used for various conditions, including locomotor disorders, cardiovascular conditions, gastric and duodenal ulcers, prostatitis, otitis and stress. Scenar was also used as first aid for contusion and bleeding. The study describes the positive healing effects of the combination of Scenar therapy and the blanket applications.
     Okhotenko V. I.

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Scenar and Energiser Healing Blanket Therapy in the Medical Center "Impulse-Correct"

From October 1993 till May 1994 145 patients of up to 67 years old underwent treatment for various conditions. 97.5% of the patients showed definite improvement, both subjectively and objectively. Patients with locomotor disorders had a wider range of motion in spine and joints, with less pain. Gastrointestinal patients experienced less discomfort, pain, and heartburn, and experienced more normalized stool patterns.
Scenar therapy improved a wide variety of disease and pathology conditions. Scenar therapy is hoped to help reduce sick leave figures in the Tyumen region. Although this study was limited in time and scope, it pointed up the necessity for more Scenar therapy centers.
     Mizova O. V.

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Scenar Treatment for Neurogenic Disfunction of Bladder with Enuresis (Bedwetting) in Children

Forty-five children aged 3-14 were treated for digestive disorders and enuresis and 29 children aged 3 to 7 were treated for enuresis at Kalinin Essentuky Sanatorium. They had suffered from enuresis for 3-10 years. All the children had received medical treatment for their main ailments, including gastritis, gastroduodenitis, dyskinesia of biliferous tracts, colitis, reactive pancreatitis, and persistent hepatitis. Scenar therapy was initiated on the 5-7th day of the children's stay at the sanatorium and included morning and evening treatments.
The Scenar therapy for children's nocturnal enuresis with neurogenic disfunction of urinary bladder showed positive effects, which can be explained by normalized electrohomeostasis in bio-active skin zones responsible for reflexo-segmental regulation of the urinogenital system.
     Lebedev V. A.

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Scenar for Massage

This article describes methods of Scenar massage for various conditions.
Scenar is especially valuable for acute radiculitis, ischias, and plexitis (in other words, painful spinal and back conditions). Initially, Scenar treatment helped relieve p
ain for some hours, with increased effect with each follow-up session. Patients have usually reported complete pain relief after 10 procedures.

     Chernysheva A. P.

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Scenar Treatment for Children and Adults with Various Conditions
Scenar therapy was given to 102 patients ranging in age from 4 months to 15 years and adults from 16 to 60 years old, from October 1994 till May 1995. Patients were grouped according to their diagnosis. Treatment procedures generally took place regularly every day, sometimes after 1-3 days. The length of the procedure varied from few minutes (in cases of bronchial asthma attack, heart disease, tooth pain, cardiac rhythm violation, nasal bleeding, soft tissue injuries) to 30 minutes (with the children) and 50 minutes (with the adults). In some cases Scenar therapy was combined with the use of medical blanket. Scenar therapy was effective throughout the different groups. The device can be applied for acute and chronic diseases as well as for first aid. Scenar therapy is useful for a wide variety of conditions, particularly because it is safe, effective, and personalized for each patient's needs.
     Subbotina G. V.
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Effects of Scenar Applications

A variety of patients, aged 1.5 months to 85 years, were treated with Scenar. In all, 1680 patients were treated, including 360 children in children somatic sanatorium. The symptom complex including some nosologic groups has been taken into consideration on the treatment. That's why approximate amount of patients was much higher, nearly 2,5 thousand. Sixty-three percent of all patients treated experienced full recovery; 28% showed significant improvement, and 9% showed mild improvement.
Scenar was useful for the following:
- determining the origin of the disorder;
- determining effectiveness of treatment;
- determining duration of each session and length of treatment;
- determining how many sessions should be given.
Scenar therapy is shown as the opti
mal method of healing a wide variety of conditions; it deserves further research and development.

     Posvezhinskaya N. F.

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Scenar Use by a Factory Therapist

A factory therapist used Scenar 035-3 and Scenar 532 M over a period of seven months.
The most frequent cases presenting were arthritis, locomotor system disorders, breast infection, gastritis, arterial inflammation, and injury. All cases showed improvement, often significant.
This therapist's experience demonstrates Scenar's wide therapeutic uses, allowing for medical treatment without having to go to specialists, which is especially important in rural areas, at factories, and in places far from clinics.

     Kalipanova I. P.

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Scenar Treatment of Complex Locomotor Disorders

Scenars used for a complex treatment of locomotor disorders.
The first group of 24 patients was treated by Scenar in combination with manual therapy, while a second group of 13 patients received manual therapy only.

The combination of Scenar and manual therapy helped accelerate healing of locomotor disorders, particularly of painful syndromes, with better and more stable effects and is more effective than manual therapy alone.
     Frolov V. A., Kutuzov I. A.

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Scenar Used for Neurosensory Hearing Loss

In 1995 we treated 15 patients with neurosensory hypoacusis, 9 men and 6 women, 4 of them – between 8 and 19 years old, 8-between 30 and 45, and 3-from 56 to 66. Scenar was applied in the individually-dosed mode of treatment, according to the particular needs of each patient. A single course of treatment consisted from 8 to 15 procedures. Four patients had one therapeutic course, four - two courses, five - three courses, and one - four courses of therapy. The test was controlled by having the same specialists use the same equipment under exactly the same conditions.
The hearing of nine out of fifteen patients improved after first course of treatment (more after the second). Acoustic examination (whisper and spoken speech) showed improvement in 12 out of 15 patients (especially in spoken speech) - from a distance of 0.5 to 2 meters. 
After 2-3 courses of treatment, the patients were tested in-clinic and also by a medical hearing specialist. Scenar therapy proved effective in the treatment of neurosensory hypoacusis for the patients with middle ear pathology.
     Okisheva T. A.

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Scenar Treatment of Mentally Retarded Children

Mentally retarded children between 10 months and 6 years were treated with Scenar therapy.
After 6-7 procedures of Scenar therapy, the children's sleep and appetite improved, nystagmus was eliminated, psychic -emotional tone was elevated (they were more interested in toys, reacted better to parents' words and improved their "agu"-language).
Scenar therapy as well as blanket OLM-1 are recommended for mentally-retarded children (although small children did not like the application of the healing blanket).
     Yatsenko G. I.

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Single Application of Scenar Therapy

Scenar therapy was given to patients suffering with insomnia, lymphadenitis, genital herpes, ovary cancer, maxillary sinusitis, and other conditions.
The treatment was effective. The author also suggests that it can be useful for animal therapy.
     Zavitaev Y. A.

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Scenar-035 Application

Three months of Scenar therapy was given to patients suffering with contraction of mimic face muscles, neurosensory hypoacusis, neurodermites, postpartum metrorrhagia, acute cardiovascular insufficiency, and hypertensive crisis.
All Scenar applications resulted in a steady, positive therapeutic effect. There were no negative results, though occasionally there was an exacerbation before improvement.
     Sidorenko P. S.

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Scenar Therapy in the Treatment of the Infectious Mononucleosis

This article describes the Scenar treatment of a patient (7 years old) with clinically diagnosed mononucleosis. The Scenar application had the following effects: disappearance of the lymphonodi, and nasopharynx clearance within a week. The changes in the patient`s blood count data are given in the table.

     Barenov O. T.
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Some Cases from the Practice

This article describes the positive results of Scenar treatment of children with the following diagnoses: coxarthrosis of the right hip joint, optic nerve atrophy, ICP, spastic tetraparesis, mental development delay, Chernobyl aftereffects.
     Kalipanova I. P.

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ew Approaches to the Prevention and Treatment of the Erosive and Ulcerative Lesions of the Stomach and Duodenum in Patients with Serious Wounds and Traumas

This article explains the mechanism of the development of these lesions. P.P. Liashedko concludes that application of bioregulatory electrostimulation in combination with the standard treatment can considerably improve results.
     Liashedko P. P.

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Scenar in the Oncologic Practice

Observing Scenar application in various cancer clinics, this author concludes that Scenar therapy can become an independent treatment method and can be effectively used at the different stages of the oncological patients treatment, in combination with the universally accepted techniques. It is absolutely necessary for fourth-stage patients for the improvement of their life quality.
     Milkevich Z. K.

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Combination of Hirudotherapy and Scenar Therapy in the Treatment of Different Diseases

At the Department of Non-medicamental Treatment Methods and Clinical Physiology of Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) was combined with the application of Scenar therapy.
Treatment methods and their results in patients with different diagnoses are described in detail. The author concludes that hirudotherapy, in combination with Scenar, is effective in treatment of a variety of diseases. Scenar application made it possible to considerably shorten the time of hemorrhage and quickly eliminate the irritations caused by the leeches.
Taking into account the absence of side effects and the visible positive clinical effects, as well as the simplicity of the combined applications of these two methods, it would be sensible to use them more widely in the medical practice.
     Minenko I. A.

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The Experience of Scenar Family Devices Application in the Practice of Therapists and Physiatrist

This article presents the results of treatment of the patients with various nosologic units within one year.
The author cites positive effects in patients with functional disorders and with acute disease development, both young patients and the elderly.

In the treatment of chronic disease, the number of procedures depends on the time of disease, age, patient's attitude and similar factors.
     Nasonova G. P., Spirina L. F.

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Treatment of Thyroid Gland

Scenar treatment, used in conjunction with the Chakra apparatus in patients with thyrotoxicosis, combined goiter, cerebroendocrine ophtalmopathy, improved the condition so much that a previously planned operation was cancelled.
     Noskova L. B.

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The Results of Scenar-035-3 Device Application while Treating Crew Members
of the Motor Vessel "John F"

The author demonstrated the necessity of Scenar device on vessels of the merchant fleet (due to elimination of the ship doctor position), which can not only effectively help crew members in cases of emergency, but also saves money for medical treatment while sailing abroad. The article describes cases of treatment over a period of 8.5 months.
The device made it possible to improve people's health, to increase their work ability, and to raise the general overall mood in the crew.

     Trishin V. M.

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The Results of Work with Scenar for a year and a half

This article describes cases of treatment with Scenar on children with different diagnoses: hemophilia, mucopolysaccharidosis, Hirschsprung's disease, glomerulonephritis, furunculosis, maxillary sinusitis, obstructive bronchitis, burns. The device was highly effective in treating traumas and acute inflammatory diseases.
     Feigina I. G.

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Scenar Device Application in Obstetrics

The article describes the application of Scenar during childbirth. Its anesthetic and antispasmodic effects make it possible to eliminate the discoordination of labor activity and to avoid the surgical delivery by caesarean section, and is also helpful during the postnatal period for the treatment of the breastfeeding disorders and mastitis.

Various cases are described, with the conclusion that Scenar deserves further investigation and application in obstetrics and gynecology, with the possibility of far wider use for other pathological states.
     Chufarova T. N.

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pid Metabolism Correction with the Combined Application of Scenar Device and "Form" Product  Based on Fucus

For obesity and overweight, Fucus seaweeds are used. The experience showed that the effectiveness of the product was increased with Scenar application: 

1st day: Scenar was applied to the hepatolienal area for detoxification; 
2nd day: Scenar was applied to the collar area (it was used to decrease the irritability caused by detoxing from a bad diet);
3rd day: Scenar was applied to the stomach area along the intestine to stimulate peristalsis action, to ensure morning intestinal evacuation;
4th day: Scenar was applied to the endocrine system to harmonize the functions (adrenal glands, ovaries, etc.);
5th day: Scenar was applied to the paravertebral areas (to Shou points, which improved general tone, flexibility, and body movement).
     Polonskaia G. E.

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Clinic in Your Pocket

This article discusses Scenars and multilayer healing blankets and their application as a new health care technology.
It also contains clinical observations of the Russian key medical research centers which use the device and blankets.
Scenars and blankets are reported to be very effective for a variety of disease conditions.
    Podmoghilny A. M.

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Scenar in Ekaterinburg. How Do You Like It?

Scenar devices can prevent the disease progression and provide  treatment results, which is  a valuable contribution for medical specialists and especially physical therapists. Since there are no contra-indications for Scenar application, a physical therapist can treat patients as seems best without concern for side effects. Physical therapists should keep accurate records of the results of Scenar treatment. 
Scenar devices are ideal for first aid treatment. Scenars should be routinely included in ambulances.
    Feigina I. G.

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Scenar – as A Home Doctor

The author shares her experience of Scenar device application at home for treatment of relatives and friends. The convenience of application, simplicity of use, and wonderful efficiency make Scenar a family doctor. 
    Trishina L. A. 

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