(Published with the permission of Dr. Keith Scott, as of September 4, 2000)
Dr. Keith Scott
Mumby Paperback
Printed Great Britain
Thorsons 1999
ISBN: 07225-3823-5
A pocket-sized device to defibrillate hearts, treat sports injuries, strokes, angina, back pains and irritable bowel disease (as well as pre-menstrual tension and post-surgical complications) sounds like a large claim. Professor Yacor Revenko stood on a public stage in Sochi in southern Russia at the 5th Annual Convention in July 1998 and stated that he thought there were few diseases, which the family of Scenar medical devices could not treat and often cure. This new system is a revolutionary approach, which again combines the technology of orthodox Western medical practise with ancient knowledge of the East.
In 1986 the offspring of a secret military Soviet project finally emerged into the public domain after nearly 20 years of development behind closed doors. One of the results of work created by a leading Russian Radio-Engineering Institute was a device, which is beginning to alter dramatically the way healthcare is delivered in Russia. Scenar is an acronym for Self-Controlled Energo-Neuro-Adaptive Regulation.
The aim is to stimulate the body's own endogenous energies to effect the cure, using as a mediator the brain's own internal pharmacy of neuropeptides. This allows the body its own choice of healing ingredients. Through biofeedback a dialogue is formed between the tissues and the instrument, each new signal evolves as a new output. No two consecutive signals from the device are the same. This allows the treatment to be truly dynamic, adjusting for changes in state of the body through time and in different physiological conditions.
The Scenar devices arose from a study of an Eastern therapy known as 'zonal contact massage'. The intention had been to develop some way of altering the pressure of the massage, according to skin response (readers will recall that in chapter 3 I described how the dielectric potential of collagen tissue is stimulated by pressure). Equipment was developed to tap magnetic effects from the skin and use these to modulate changes in pressure of the massage. A team of scientists, including 5 research doctors, was involved in the original studies, based in Sochi and Krasnodar. The establishment of a biofeedback mechanism led to the creation of a device whose output would depend on skin energetic response. The term Scenar was born. It is yet another brilliant marriage of Western electronic technology and Eastern energetic healing skills.
When the Soviet Union decided to send cosmonauts into orbit for prolonged periods, it was clear that they needed to have a means of treating any illnesses that could befall them. Unlike the American system, there were no convenient re-usable shuttles to bring an ailing cosmonaut back to Earth, should the need have arisen. The possibility of incapacitating disease was a major worry.
The pharmaceutical approach was not tenable, bearing in mind the rigorous weight and space limitations and the fact that drug-oriented medicine is based on the principle of one substance for each (potential) condition. Even a very modest medicine range would be weighty. Also, in an environment where recycling of water is such an essential feature, any drug entering the water circulation system would remain, passing through the cosmonaut many times.
This was at a time when the Russian space programme was being watched by the rest of the world and maintaining national prestige was of paramount concern to the Soviet government. It was essential to come up with something radically new. A large team of doctors and engineers was assembled and they were assigned the task of developing the necessary new technology. It had to be light, easy to use and, of course, really effective.
Bioresonance technology was the only extant medical paradigm capable of delivering these stringent requirements. By expanding on the theoretical work of Anohin, particularly in connection with the reticular formation pathways in the brain, the team developed elegant new physiological models, which led to the current range of electronic interactive devices. Two members of the team were subsequently awarded the Order of Lenin (in their terms, equivalent to a Nobel Prize).
Ironically, no Scenar device has been used in space to date. There were delays caused by the authorities insisting on a waterproofing process. Before this matter was resolved, funds were suddenly stopped at the time of perestroika; the so-called space race was called off and the team disbanded. The US began working on combined space projects with the Russians and they introduced the capability of evacuating sick cosmonauts on the shuttle, which meant there was no further need of on-board therapy.
However, four of the original team felt they had designed a very worthwhile system, capable of changing the face of medicine, and decided to take it onto the open market.
The promise of a small hand-held device that seems capable of curing most illness, such as was portrayed in the cult 1970s TV series 'Star Trek', has become a reality.
The device resembles a TV remote control and is powered by an ordinary 9V battery. It is placed on the skin of the chest, head, abdomen or any diseased part, where it collects electromagnetic signals. These are then modulated according to the device's programme and played back to the tissues. Essentially, Scenar is using the patient's own endogenous signals on a cybernetic feedback basis, scanning and re-transmitting many times a second. As described to me, the device 'evolves' a new signal pattern for the disordered tissues, the machine literally entering into an information dialogue with the body. New frequencies and energy patterns are established, which in turn become fresh input signals, to be further modified, and so on. This output-equals-new-input is much the way that fractals are generated and thus, biologically-speaking, we seem to be on good ground here. On the premise that disease signals are generally fixed and unnatural, anything, which breaks up the existing order has the capability of disease-busting.
This patient was a gardener with suppurating osteomyelitis of the foot, which could not be controlled. He was scheduled for an amputation of the lower leg in four days time, largely because of the intractable pain. At the last moment a British Scenar practitioner was called into attempt a treatment. The device was used bi-laterally for around 30 minutes on the first day.
Next day, the leg was pain-free for the first time in eight months. Later that day another 30-minute treatment was given. By next morning the recovery was so dramatic the amputation was called off. A third treatment was given and seven days after the first Scenar this man was back at work, digging in the garden. His leg has completely recovered.
The device is very safe; the impulse times are very short. No pain is felt but the patient is usually aware of a tingling sensation while it works. The practitioner seeks for what the Russians term asymmetry, meaning something different about the tissue characteristics in the vicinity.
There are five main criteria:
• colour difference (reddening or pallor);
• sensation (numbness or hyper-aesthesia);
• 'stickiness' in which the machine drags with a magnet like quality as it is drawn over certain tracts of the skin;
• sound changes (the machine begins to chatter electronically when it hits the right zone);
• numerical display readings alter.
Even though it may not coincide with the obvious area of symptoms or pathology, the important point is to treat the asymmetry.
For reasons we do not fully understand, when this is eliminated, recovery will rapidly follow.
A summary of findings in different clinical groups on 50,000 cases from 3,000 Scenar users doctors and other practitioners includes cumulative percentages in which effectiveness is defined as a cure in 66% of cases and some improvement in 33% of cases:
• Circulatory - 82%;
• Respiratory - 84%;
• Gastrointestinal - 93%;
• Genito-urinary - 89%;
• Gynae and Obstetrics - 78%;
• Musculoskeletal - 79%;
• Ear and Mastoid - 82%;
• Eye and adnexae - 93%;
• Mouth/jaw/saliva glands - 91%.
This list is far from exhaustive and I have been able to establish that there are many other areas in which Scenar is highly effective. For example, there is a current 98% cure rate achievement for benign prostatic hypertrophy and in the case of acute mastitis the device is 100% effective to date. Nothing I know of can come close to its figures against frigidity, impotence and infertility (60th percentile).
There are remarkably few contraindications, notably heart pacemakers and, after 20 years, a complete absence of negative side-effects. SCENAR-technology can be used as a valuable addition to other therapies or could be a stand-alone treatment. The extra-ordinary feature is that the same small device can be used to treat the heart of one patient, the knee of the next, the breasts and adnexa of the next - all relying on one small battery as an energy source!
Published in the August 1, 2002 edition of the "Porto-Franco" newspaper
Odessa City, Ukraine
Where have I gone, I wonder out loud? Where is my tender soft skin, my slender swan-neck, my bright sparkling eyes and their refined delicate brows! I am now 50 years old but where have I gone?
The mirror is no longer my friend. It speaks coldly and cruelly to me. "Here you are, my dear. The wrinkles about your eyes and those heavy, morose brows look very becoming for a woman of your age. Oh, and see your double chin, undoubtedly a reflection of a bulldog's dream? And your neck, no longer the neck of a beautiful swan but flabby and wrinkled like that of an orangutan".
In the evening I go to bed feeling in every fibre of my being the long and hard work of the day. And getting up in the morning is no longer easy and takes a definite effort to get myself moving. Without my morning cup of coffee (or two) I can't even start the next day. I go through my day almost like a zombie and when I drag myself home, having no energy to go or to do anything else and happy just to have made it through another day, I plunge myself into my bed and disappear beneath the covers and do not stir, until the next seemingly pointless day. I was alone, lonely, and bored to death with how off I feel and how hard each day is getting. But what to do?
One day, when the mirror had become so intolerant and insolent at my perfectly lovely withering, I took it and threw it out the window saying, "Enough is enough. Time to get my life back."
To start with, I put the volume of my music up loud and danced around like a Papuan jungle native, but I got dizzy. And after only a few minutes of my dance I was out of breath, too. Even this was too much for me. I just gave up and began to despair thinking, “I will never get over this, I will never get my old self back. I am only 50. Where have I gone?
This despair continued and as I walked to work I began to look at, almost peering at other women on the streets, in the buses and trams: are there others like me?
Here's a woman who looks about 45 years old. Oh, God, so many wrinkles, so many lines. But I have less! Other lady pushing baby carriage, is she a mother or grandmother? A mother. In her 30's by the looks! My Lord, such a terrible picture! Lumpy-plumpy, neck so wrinkly. I was not so repulsive.
Here I am at last, my office. Only one other woman here with me. The rest of the office personnel are men and they are represented in good number. I study them. Where are their broad shoulders, iron biceps and manly build, what did they do with their charm! Stooping weak backs, protruding bellies, and gray flabby skin. No suitable boy friends among them!
A month ago my eyes came to rest on an elderly man with the build of a thoroughbred who walked with his dog in our courtyard. A master and his dog, how they were alike. Both with a handsome build, both with vigor and grace, and both with abundant energy! I found myself staring at this man and wondering how he had so much energy and such handsome features of a man of his age – of my age.
As I continued to watch this man something went pit-a-pat in my lonely wistful heart. He must have noticed me looking at him fore he came over to me as said, "I have seen you walking here before. Aren't you a doctor? Aren't you interested in new healthcare technologies? Look here! There are ENART devices which in fact, it appears, are what you need!"
ENART? What does it stand for? To avoid all of the good meaning opinions and to get the straight information, I went to the Internet, which is more informative than any library. The subject matter appeared to be gripping and vital worldwide. I learned the ENART secrets, which amazed me.
What a wonderful device! It rejuvenates and treats a wide range of health conditions and after reading about ENART technology I thought this was the way for me to look younger and get rid of my annoying health problems.
ENART stands for energo-neuro-adaptive-receptor therapy and includes the Scenar, Prologue and Enart devices - regulators of the body systems. They generate pulses similar to the ones of human body. These pulses act through the skin to stimulate the nervous, endocrine and other body systems, to regulate circulation of the blood, to improve metabolism in the skin and other tissues, to train muscles and eliminate their fatigue, for flabbiness and for the results of over training. They also help eliminate wrinkles, remove acne, restore turgor (elasticity) of the facial skin and tighten its loose and sagging areas.
Using ENART methods helps one to not only look younger but normalizes metabolism, strengthens muscles, eliminates excessive adipose deposits, slows down cellulite and in some cases eliminates it. If your skin is too fat and glossy or dry and scaly, ENART devices will bring it back to what we call homeostasis or, in other words, balance.
At first, I couldn't believe what I had read. I am a doctor, you know, and therefore skeptical. But I decided to try it. I asked this man from the park for a device, treatment techniques and so forth. And in a couple of months I was a new person. I bought a new mirror and when I would gaze into it I can hardly find any wrinkles, folds or other aging problems. My mirror tells me now the simple truth: I am the most beautiful and loveliest woman in the world!
As usual (now), I wake up early in the morning after having a good night's rest. My heart is singing and there is no wish for a cup of coffee with lemon juice to get me going, but for inflammatory rumba. I am hale and hearty, happy and young (I am only 50!) and in good health. I have found myself and I am back.
I'm not in a hurry now to go home after my work. I'd rather go swimming or visit other places of interest. All of my skepticism has disappeared. I often use my computer to be sure I don't miss any new ENART device announcement for my patients or myself.
M.O. Voronova, Physician
P.S. The other day, a handsome man, Vladimir by name, who often walked with his dog in our courtyard heartily invited me to spend the next (and hope not the last) week-end with him. By the way, now we, and our dogs walk always together.