Selected case studies using ENART device – 2007- 2010

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  Selected case studies using ENART device – 2007- 2010

Nanette Anderson,
Psychologist, Australia

Sea Change Life Management is a rehabilitation clinic located in a rural community on the far south coast of NSW, Australia. It provides a range of health related services – psychology, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, clinical hypnotherapy, kinesiology for sports injuries and hydrotherapy. It was opened in January 2005.

ENART therapy at Sea Change is delivered primarily by a psychologist, but the device may also be integrated with therapeutic massage, physiotherapy kinesiology.

Pain Management

ENART was primarily introduced to assist clients requiring pain relief. Some are unable to take strong medications for pain relief and others prefer to keep such medication to a minimum.

Patients are encouraged to view pain management as a multidisciplinary endeavour involving aspects of psychology, physiotherapy, kinesiology, therapeutic massage, lifestyle management and exercise. The ENART is a tool to initially reduce pain levels to a point where the client is able to concentrate on therapies that require their own input – relaxation, self-hypnosis, regular exercise, participation in social activities – work, recreation and hobbies.

Psychological Well-Being

It was recognised very early in the introduction of ENART therapy that for most people an immediate, positive response occurred in relation to pain levels. For some injuries or illnesses, a 50% or greater improved after the first full session. Thereafter, progress was less dramatic but steady improvement was maintained. However, the most interesting and unexpected result was the improvement in mood.

Within a very few sessions clients presented with improved posture, smiles and a positive attitude. They were usually unaware of the subtle changes unless prompted by a series of questions. Questionnaires have thus played an important role to enable both monitoring of progress and to demonstrate levels of improved performance to the clients themselves. Further into therapy, with the aid of the questionnaires, clients recognise the improvement in their quality of life, reduction in medications, and general enjoyment levels. Mental clarity improves and a new outlook on life is established.

The psychological improvement is important. It enables therapy and rehabilitation to progress more rapidly. Even those with long-term injuries of a decade or longer suddenly find themselves improving.

In some cases, additional medical conditions have been caught in the improvement. A client may mention pelvic pain, kidney stones, gall stones, blood pressure problems, gastrointestinal issues, hormonal disturbances, and so on. Some of our most dramatic and unexpected outcomes have been the result of a chance comment.


A range of case studies is presented below to illustrate the wide range of conditions treated successfully with ENART therapy.

Pain – Long Term

• Male. 58yrs.
Car accident 1991 – back and neck injuries. Commenced treatment at Sea Change in April 2008.
- Initial assessment – sleeping much of the day, agorophobic, memory and executive function poor, social activities rare, used a back support corset and walking stick, did little exercise, pain levels 7-9 out of 10 in all categories, heavy levels of medication, mood – ‘extremely high’ levels of stress, anxiety and depression.
- Commenced integrated therapy – exercise, massage, relaxation, cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational therapy until October 2008.
- Commenced ENART mid-October. - 7 sessions until 25 February 2009.
- Pain levels remained high but mood and activities improved, morphine medication continues but lower rates.
- Commenced hydrotherapy and ENART program – 6 sessions.
- Commenced Kinesiology with pool 20 May 2009.
- Recommenced ENART 18 June – monthly 5 sessions – to Dec. 2009.
- Continued with monthly ENART - 3 sessions 2010.
- Currently ceased treatment.
- Works most days as a volunteer for a charity organization, visits relatives and friends regularly, does not use the back brace or walking stick, levels of stress and depression are normal but anxiety is mild, medication levels are reduced to occasional ‘as needed’ instead of the regular morphine used initially.
 - TOTAL ENART: 21 sessions October 2008-February 2010 – 16 months

• Female – 90 years – Sciatic pain.
Initial session at home – unable to walk after a physiotherapy session.
- Two further sessions weekly. No further sessions required.
- Contacted the clinic for back pain – diagnosed as kidney stones (red, inflamed and extremely painful spasmodic pain). One session only. Kidney pain did not return.
- Heart condition diagnosed as calcium buildup – breathlessness, tiredness. Two sessions ENART in latter part of 2009. No further contact so far.

• Female aged 42 - School Teacher. Fractured elbow in December 2008.
Commenced hydrotherapy.
- ENART commenced 20 January 2009 – completed it 7 January 2010.
- Total ENART: 23 sessions in addition to hydrotherapy, hypnotherapy and massage.
- Progressively returned to work while maintaining treatment. Incidental Obsessive Compulsive Disorder disclosed by client during treatment. Full recovery for both conditions.

• Male aged 54 years; “frozen shoulder” diagnosed. Movement of left arm severely compromised.
ENART commenced April 2008. Weekly sessions for 12 weeks.
- Full recovery of arm function apart from one complex twisting movement that he was unable to accomplish without some degree of pain
- Purchased personal ENART to maintain function.

• Male, aged 46 years. Diagnosis: Lumbar Spine Disc Injury with Chronic Pain. High levels of daily medication. Depression and anxiety.
- Commenced ENART treatment
- Maintained daily record of pain levels in neck, shoulder, hips, legs; mood levels; medication levels for 12 months. Improvements continued.
- Worked full time
- ENART treatment undertaken weekly during which period he purchased his own device
- Massage therapy and hydrotherapy exercise continued throughout period
- February 2009 – awarded special recognition by his employers for his unusually high work output and achievements.

• Female, aged 54 years. Diagnosis severe lumbar spine injury.
Prognosis: inoperable and expected to require a wheel chair in the near future. Unable to take pain medication because of severe reactions of other body systems.
Commenced ENART …
- Cognitive improvement began within.
- Hobbies and interests rekindled…
- Commenced exercises on beach, one metre at a time
- Walking…by…
- Impact of ENART combined with therapeutic massage and hypnotherapy.
- Active in voluntary work while maintaining exercise program
- Suspension by insurance company of treatment led to re-emergence of severe impact on cardiovascular system – cholesterol levels, blood pressure…

• Female – 34 years – lumbar spine disc injury.
ENART - 2008-09 - 16 sessions provided significant relief
- Large mass adhering to gall bladder diagnosed during the period of ENART therapy.
- Three sessions of ENART applied weekly to gall/liver location prior to surgery
- Post-surgery report following removal of gall bladder indicated “gall bladder clear” (no pre-operative check had been given before surgery was undertaken)
- Physiotherapy-induced problem occurred
- Lumbar Spinal Surgery undertaken
- No further pain treatment required.
- Hydrotherapy. Patient continues with twice weekly hydrotherapy exercises

• Female, 45 years, knee injury. Replacement surgery diagnosed.
ENART – 12 sessions late 2009 – March 2010.
- Surgery not required. Anticipated full recovery for the ski season 2010

• Female, 61 years, hairdresser. Repetitive Strain Injury to left arm. Using arm brace and having physiotherapy. Pain levels severe and unable to work.
- ENART: 12 sessions on a weekly basis, 2009.
- Full recovery of function and returned to work.

• Female, 43 years, lumbar pain. Incidental Gall Stones diagnosed and being monitored by ultrasound.
- ENART – 6 sessions for back pain with incidental treatment of gall stones (2 sessions while treating back pain).
- No gall stones found when the next ultra sound was undertaken

• Female aged 42 – back pain, lethargy and depression.
Incidental hormonal disturbance resulting in severe growth of facial hair requiring weekly electrolysis.
- ENART 5 sessions attended once a week.
- Lethargy and depression had lifted, pain reduced, facial hair ceased growth after 2nd session. Patient exercising daily and felt energised.
- A gap of 5 months.
- ENART for 1 session to deal with reappearance of facial hair
 - No further contact over the last 18 months.

• Male, 56 years, general back pain with severe knot of pain in shoulder blade region.
2008 ENART: 11 sessions one hour per week. On final session he chose to discuss the treatment generally. It had improved his levels of trait anger and his behaviour socially and domestically. It had also changed his sexual responses in that his behaviour was less ‘explosive’ but more enjoyable.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

• Female, 28 years, diagnosed with schizophrenia, ENART treatment commenced in 2008 and was used in conjunction with cognitive behavioural therapy. Mental clarity improved.
- It gradually emerged that the condition was caused by severe post-traumatic stress disorder. Auditory hallucinations were a mixture of fact and fiction. Therapy enabled her to identify each type and improvements progressed.

Psychological Conditions

• Male, 59 years – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
 ENART 12 sessions September 2008 to October 2009; cognitive behavioural therapy with 10-15 minutes of ENART. Full recovery.

• Male, 42 years diagnosed as schizophrenic. Profoundly deaf so education had been limited. Lives independently and works part-time. ENART weekly for 12 sessions. Medication had cased after first 6 sessions. Now attends monthly and ready for further training.
ENART continues to maintain current health status.

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